Thursday, July 14, 2011

My last twenty-something birthday

I'm reflecting on my last couple of days of "twenty-eight". This weekend I celebrate my last twenty-something birthday. You know how I feel about birthdays! But, there is not much planned. No regular birthday week. Maybe some dinner plans when hubby gets home Monday.
I used to think thirty was so old. Ancient really. I always wondered how it would feel to be old. But I don't really feel old. Sometimes I have to remind myself of my age, that I am not a kid or a teen or even a young adult. Maybe it is because I regularly hang out with people who are older than me, who have already crossed the threshold into "thirty". It seems like I am always the baby of the group, so I see myself as the young one. It's rather odd to think this way, now that I am analyzing it, because I did everything so early; married at 23, kids at 24 and 28. I know it's not that early, but it's certainly early by today's standards. Many people my age are only starting now to settle down and start families, and I have a little girl turning 5 this summer! Where did the time go.
I find the passage of time all the more surreal when I look at my little boy, who reminds me so much of my little girl when she was his age. I can distinctly remember holding her on my chest as she slept. She would lay that way for hours and she was so warm and smelled so sweet. My heart would swell as I held her, knowing I should put her in her crib, but unable to let the tender moment end. The little guy doesn't snuggle the same way; we tend to laugh and play more than Hailey and I did, but our moments are just as tender and his smile is the sweetest I've ever seen.
He's getting two little teeth, and you can see them when he laughs - which he does often. He has the nicest disposition, as long as he is not hungry or wet or sleepy! In many ways, now that his acid reflux is under control with medication, he is an easier baby than Hailey was. He seems to be more content.
I should be watching a lecture right now. I'm a little behind with the lectures, and you and I both know I won't be watching any lectures during birthday weekend! I'll have to double up next week...
Speaking of birthdays, what do get for a child who has everything? I always want to get Hailey something spectacular, but I am out of ideas. The only thing I can think of is a personal DVD player for road trips. Yay? Nay? Ideas? Input is both welcome and encouraged. 

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